Soft Skills Are The New Hard Skills

Soft Skills Are The New Hard Skills

The rise of Artificial Intelligence and the emergence of AI-powered job seekers are changing how companies can screen, filter, and asses talent. In many cases, keyword matching is no longer helpful when ai-generated resumes match ai-generated job descriptions. While...
How Intake Calls and Job Insights Benefit Human Resources

How Intake Calls and Job Insights Benefit Human Resources

Human Resources is a crucial pillar in any organization, playing a strategic role that’s both rewarding and challenging. From recruiting and hiring to retaining top-notch talent, it’s a complex process and the work is far from simple. The key to hiring and...
Why Honeit Matters to Sourcers

Why Honeit Matters to Sourcers

Introduction In the constantly evolving world of recruitment, sourcers have always been at the forefront of innovation and creativity. They play a crucial role in identifying and engaging top talent, and their success hinges on their ability to forge meaningful...
Five Hacks for a Faster Recruiting Process

Five Hacks for a Faster Recruiting Process

Are you tired of sifting through a sea of resumes, playing phone tag with candidates, and waiting endlessly for hiring team consensus? If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone. The world of recruiting can be a daunting one, but fear not! We’ve...