Honeit is “Zoom for Recruiting”

Honeit is “Zoom for Recruiting”

What do you get when you combine calendly, Zoom, Slack, the telephone and your ATS/CRM? 2020 was The Year of … Well, Many Things. But a good candidate is The Year of Zoom. Now, for a while when we were doing calls with prospects, we really enjoyed it when someone saw...
Soundbites are the Future of Hiring

Soundbites are the Future of Hiring

Overview: Soundbites, or quick highlights from a conversation with a candidate, could be the future of recruiting. When done right, they will save hiring managers both time and money. So, what does “doing it right” look like? If you’re a hiring manager, and you’re...
How to Clone Your Best Recruiters

How to Clone Your Best Recruiters

Overview The recruiting function often works according to Pareto: 80% of output is from 20% of people. But … how do you take your stars and clone them among junior recruiters? Here’s a map. This is a question we get a lot Most recruiting teams, whether they are...