How to Streamline the Four S’s in Recruitment

How to Streamline the Four S’s in Recruitment

Recruitment is a puzzle consisting of multiple critical steps: Sourcing, Scheduling, Screening, and Submissions. Optimizing each step ensures that recruitment firms, RPO teams, and talent acquisition organizations have a competitive advantage in attracting,...
Recruiter Productivity and Time Savings

Recruiter Productivity and Time Savings

Recruiter productivity and hiring manager time savings are remarkable when recruiters automate low-value tasks like scheduling, note-taking, and candidate write-ups and share interview data for instant collaboration with hiring teams. The talent acquisition function...
Transform Screening and Candidate Submissions

Transform Screening and Candidate Submissions

  Tedious Steps in Candidate Screening: Candidate screening is the most important activity for recruiters and talent partners to go from a stack of resumes to a short list of qualified candidates. Screening in the right talent and screening out unqualified...
Recruiter Time Savings

Recruiter Time Savings

We’re thrilled to give more recruiters and talent acquisition partners the gift of time in 2024. When your recruiters schedule easier, talk sooner, screen smarter, submit faster, and accelerate feedback from hiring managers, you gain a competitive recruiting...
Robin Walters, Founder at Rogue Recruitment

Robin Walters, Founder at Rogue Recruitment

In this episode of the Honeit Talks Podcast, we speak with Robin Walters, Founder of Rogue Recruitment. Robin recently had a record-breaking month in recruiting revenue and placement fees, all while prioritizing family life, as a mother of two under two. How did she...
Five Hacks for a Faster Recruiting Process

Five Hacks for a Faster Recruiting Process

Are you tired of sifting through a sea of resumes, playing phone tag with candidates, and waiting endlessly for hiring team consensus? If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone. The world of recruiting can be a daunting one, but fear not! We’ve...